
Saturday, December 16, 2017

Justin and Martin

Hi Justin, what's the hurry?

I gotto go get Martin! See ya!

Oh man, Martin, you won't believe it.  I don't know how to tell you.

What is it?!? Is it bad?

It's your treehouse - it's all wrecked.


Let's go, I wanna see this myself.

Sorry man.

Oh no!  All my hard work - gone.  It must have been those Santa Ana winds.

Yeah, I bet your right about that - those winds are strong.
Hey, Martin, you built this by yourself before, I know we can fix it together.

Well, the main support is still here.

Let's go talk to my dad, I bet he has some wood we can use.

Martin!  Look what my dad gave me!

That is awesome.

Thanks for helping me Justin.

Hey yeah, I'm happy to help.

I think we'll be able to finish this today.

Yeah, I think so too, thanks to you Justin.

Hey Martin, I'll be back in a bit.

Oh, ok.

Whew glad you're still here, my dad suggested I bring this along.

What is it?  More tools?

Nope, a grill, for a couple hard working dudes.

Thanks Justin, this is great.  
And thanks for helping me fix OUR tree-house.

Hey, thanks man.  That's cool.


  1. Always fun to read your story.

  2. Thanks Kathy, glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Life is better doing things with friends! Two are better than one, for when one is down, the other can lift you up! Merry Christmas!

  4. So true Linda! Merry Christmas!

  5. Hi Martin, this is Danny Campbell. Man, I'm sorry your treehouse got wrecked. But it's super groovy you've got a buddy to help you! You're pretty cool, Justin. I'll bet that treehouse were be even better than before. Good luck on the build and Merry Christmas from all us guys here in Springfield!

  6. Hey Danny! Yeah, Justin is a great friend. It is so great having a guy friend that lives near here. I was ready to just accept my broken tree-house, but having a friend to help really made a big difference. I told Justin that house is both ours now.
    Oh, and Merry Christmas dudes!

  7. Anonymous3:11 AM

    In one of my favorite Christmas movies, "It's A Wonderful Life", Clarence the angel signs his book to George with "no man is a failure who has friends." Martin and Justin are blessed to have eachother to share life's challenges and good times.
    Merry Christmas,

  8. Thank you Fawn. That is SO true! You know I have never watched that whole movie? I need to this Christmas.

    Merry Christmas.

  9. Oh, Martin! So sad about your tree house! I'm glad you and Danny could build a new one. Be safe in those wild winds!

  10. So very sad about the tree house. It's nice you and Justin could rebuild! Please be safe in the winds!

    (Brenda, my apologies for mixing up names in our earlier comment. :-S )

  11. No problem Melody -kinda funny!

    Martin and Justin really bonded over the rebuilding. The tree house is better than ever.

  12. It looks like they had a blast. It's great to have helpful friends.

  13. ginnie4:13 PM

    Aww, sad that Martin's treehouse got wrecked, but it's great that he has Justin to help him fix it! :) Those boys are too cute! Ahem, I mean!

    ginnie /

  14. True Ginnie, good friends are priceless. Yes they prefer cool, hehe


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